D III - Information Systems Study Program

"Becoming the Excellently Vocational Education Center Based on Informatics Management in Providing Professional Resources Who Are Capable of Competing at the Global Level in 2027”

  1. Organizing professional education in mobile application, Web development, database administration, e-business, network administration, mobile-based multimedia development, global entrepreneurship based on Pancasila, morals and virtuous characters, and adapting the development of science and technology using a flexible curriculum that meets the needs of the business and industrial world.
  2. Conducting research in informatics management to enhance the national competitiveness.
  3. Carrying out community service to place science and technology in informatics management appropriately based on situation in society and development demands.
  4. Establishing national and international cooperation with various parties to the advancement of institutions.

  1. Producing experts in mobile application, Web development, database administration, e-business, network administration, mobile-based multimedia development, global entrepreneurship based on Pancasila, morals and virtuous characters, and adapting the development of science and technology using a flexible curriculum that meets the needs of the business and industrial world.
  2. Producing excellent research in informatics management for human welfare generally.
  3. Generating community service to place science and technology in informatics management appropriately based on situation in society and development demands.
  4. Generating national and international cooperation with various parties to the advancement of institutions.

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