Happy Kartini’s Day

Happy Kartini’s Day

April 21 is celebrated as Kartini Day. Every year the Indonesian people commemorate the birthday of the national hero Raden Ajeng Kartini as a moment of women’s emancipation.

Raden Ajeng Kartini Djojo Adhiningrat who is a figure of emancipation of woman born from a noble family. Royal blood of R.A Kartini was obtained from her father’s lineage. His father is still in touch with Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono VI and is also a descendant of the Majapahit Kingdom.

R.A. Kartini was born in Jepara on April 21, 1879. The father of R.A. Kartini was the Regent of Jepara at that time, Raden Mas Adipati Ario Sosroningrat, while her mother, MA Ngasirah, was a kiai child in Jepara. Kartini was crowned a national hero for Indonesian by President Soekarno in 1964. During her lifetime Kartini was very concerned about the education of natives, especially women. He built a special school for women in Rembang.

R.A. Kartini died at the age of 25 and was buried in Bulu Village, Bulu District, Rembang. After his death, Kartini’s letters were collected and published in a book entitled ‘Door Duisternis tot Licht’ or Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang.

Kartini was a hero of the Indonesian nation, a woman who became a pioneer of women’s emancipation. She fought the invaders with her courage and upheld the rank of women who were considered equal to men.

Polytechnic Indonusa Surakarta also said “Happy Kartini Day 2021”.

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