Prepare for Face to face Learning (PTM) Indonusa Surakarta Polytechnic Campus

Prepare for Face to face Learning (PTM) Indonusa Surakarta Polytechnic Campus

Surakarta – The government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture, has given the green light for face to face learning (PTM). Likewise, the Indonusa Surakarta Polytechnic Campus, has implemented limited face-to-face learning. However, before holding face to face learning (PTM), there are several things that need to be considered, especially students of the Indonusa Surakarta Polytechnic

Adhere to Health protocol

Students are required to get used to taking part in prokes, such as wearing masks, maintaining distance, washing hands after activities, and avoiding crowds. Students are also advised to bring spare masks and hand sanitizers to avoid borrowing and borrowing.

Make sure your body is in good shape

Before starting PTM, students must ensure that their body condition is in good shape. In addition to being more prime, a fit body also helps protect itself from viruses. To keep the body in shape, students can do physical activities and sports. In addition, eat healthy foods and take vitamins to maintain endurance. For students who feel unwell, it is recommended to go home and take online lectures at home.

Occasionally do a Covid-19 test

For students from out of town (other than Solo, Sragen, Boyolali, Klaten, Karanganyar, Sukoharjo) when taking offline lectures, they are expected to bring the results of an antigen swab (the swab results are valid for 1×24 hours), a statement letter (for those who have not been vaccinated), and a permit from parents to take offline lectures (besides the results of the swab all required documents have been shared with the class president). Not only as a PTM requirement, students are recommended to routinely carry out Covid-19 tests to detect the possibility of contracting.

Reduce outdoor activities

Although face to face learning (PTM) has been allowed on a limited basis, try to limit outside activities. If students do a lot of activities, especially in the middle of a crowd, it is feared that they will be vulnerable to the virus and be carried away on campus. Health protocols will still be observed when students are on campus and before students enter the lecture hall they are required to check the temperature and check the required documents at the front security section and must follow other prokes while on campus.

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