Politeknik Indonusa conducts Outbound Activity with the theme “Let’s Make a Teamwork & Get The Future with Polinus in the Society 5.0 Era”

Politeknik Indonusa conducts Outbound Activity with the theme “Let’s Make a Teamwork & Get The Future with Polinus in the Society 5.0 Era”

Karanganyar – Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta organized an Outbound activity with the theme “Let’s Make a Teamwork & Get The Future With Polinus in the Society 5.0 Era”. This Outbound is a routine activity held every year by Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta for first-semester students. The activity took place from March 8th to 9th, 2023. Outbound itself is an innovative educational method created by Kurt Han. The term “Outbound” originates from the phrase “outward bound”. Literally, “outward” means outer, outward, while “bound” means a goal or limit. Outbound is an activity that utilizes the advantages of nature, and participants are exposed to challenges of thinking, as well as physical and mental challenges.

This Outbound was attended by 302 students from Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta, consisting of 74 students from the D3 Pharmacy study program, 69 students from the D4 Health Information Management (Medical Record) study program, 12 students from the D4 Medical Laboratory Technology (Health Analyst) study program, 30 students from the D3 Automotive Technology study program, 42 students from the D3 Information Systems study program, 37 students from the D3 Mass Communication study program, and 38 students from the D3 Hospitality study program. The activity was organized by the Outbound committee and trainers, consisting of staff and lecturers from Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta, totaling 50 people.

Kegiatan Outbound

The activity took place at Villa Indrasari and Wahyu Sari, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar, Central Java. The participants traveled from Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta to the villa. They were transported to Tawangmangu using 6 buses, with 3 buses departing from Campus 1 and the other 3 buses from Campus 2. Upon arrival, the participants and committee held the opening ceremony of the outbound, followed by a lunch break. At 1 PM, the activity started with outbound games at the available stations located in the villa’s courtyard. The activity continued until the evening. In the evening, after a dinner break, participants from each study program performed artistic performances on the stage until late at night. On the second day, the outbound continued with morning sports or stretching activities together with the Student Executive Boards of Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta (ORMAWA). The next activity was breakfast before the participants departed from the villa to the forest for outdoor outbound activities, where there were designated stations available. The activity was lively and enjoyable with favorable weather conditions. It concluded at 12 PM and was followed by a closing ceremony and the distribution of prizes for the groups with the highest accumulated points in each outbound game. Afterwards, the participants returned by bus and safely arrived at Campus 1 and 2 in the afternoon. For information on the registration of new students at Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta, please visit the following link: https://spmb.poltekindonusa.ac.id.