Halal Bihalal 1442 H Indonusa Polytechnic

Halal Bihalal 1442 H Indonusa Polytechnic

Surakarta – Today, Monday, May 24, 2021, Polytechnic Indonusa Surakarta is participating in the Halal Bihalal activity together with Universitas Duta Bangsa Surakarta. This event also strengthens the relationship between the Kusuma Bangsa Adi Prakarta Foundation and the Indonesia Build Foundation. Given the current condition which is still a pandemic, halal bihalal is carried out virtually through zooming and streaming YouTube. Participants who took part in the event were divided into several groups from different places, so that they could still take part in the halal bihalal without crowds. Even though it was done virtually, the halal bihalal 1442 H event went on smoothly and was full of enthusiastic participants.

The Origin of Tradition Halal Bihalal

In Mecca and Medina, the halal bihalal tradition was unknown. Therefore, it can be said that halalbihalal is made in Indonesia or created by Indonesian Muslims or in Prof. Dr. QuraishShihab is the result of the indigenous teachings of Islam among Southeast Asian societies.

It is said that this tradition was first pioneered by Mangkunegara I, born April 8, 1725, who is known as Pangeran Sambernyawa. At that time, to save time, energy, thoughts and costs, after the Eid prayer, Pangeran Sambernyawa held a meeting between the cadets and the courtiers and soldiers simultaneously at the palace hall. In Javanese culture, someone who sungkem to someone who is older is a commendable act. The purpose of sungkem is a symbol of respect and apology.

Another source is starting at the time of the independence revolution, where the Dutch came again. At that time, Indonesia’s condition was very threatened and a number of figures contacted Soekarno during the fasting month of 1946, to be willing to hold a meeting inviting all components of the revolution in August, so that Eid became an arena for mutual forgiveness and acceptance of diversity within the framework of unity. and national unity.

Then, President Soekarno approved and made a halal bihalal activity which was attended by national figures and elements as the glue of national relations. Since then, the halal bihalal tradition has become increasingly prevalent and has been preserved by the Indonesian people as a medium to strengthen brotherhood for families, neighbors, colleagues and religious communities.

Source : sumsel.kemenag.co.id

Polytechnic Indonusa

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