National Education Day 2021

National Education Day 2021

Surakarta – Every May 2, Indonesia commemorates National Education Day or Hardiknas. This year, National Education Day fell on Sunday (2/5/2021), still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic situation like last year.

In short, the determination of May 2 as National Education Day is taken from the birthday of the national education figure Ki Hajar Dewantara. One of his famous legacies is his motto which reads: “Ing ngarsa sung tulodho, ing madya mbangun karsa, tut wuri handayani”, which means “In front (the teacher) must set a good example, in the middle (students) must create ideas and initiative, and behind must be able to provide encouragement and direction).

This motto is still used in the education system in the country, for example “Tut wuri handayani” which is written in the Kemendikbud logo.

The theme of the 2021 National Education Day taken by the Ministry of Education and Culture is “Serentak Bergerak, Wujudkan Merdeka Belajar”. As is well known, “Merdeka Belajar” is a major theme of the education policy raised by Minister Nadiem Makarim since President Jokowi’s appointment as Mendikbud by President Jokowi, last October.

In this concept, there are 4 programs, namely:

  1. Implementation of the National Standard School Examination (USBN) as a student competency test that can be done by means of written exams or other more comprehensive assessments.
  2. Abolition of the National Examination (UN) in 2021 and replaced with Competency Assessment.
  3. Minimun and Character Survey, simplify or trim some plan components.
  4. Implementation of Learning (RPP); and the PPDB Zoning Regulations are used with more flexible policies to accommodate inequalities in access and quality in various regions.

The Indonusa Polytechnic of Surakarta also wishes you a Happy National Education Day 2021. Continue to be enthusiastic about learning for the nation’s future young generation. Let us lift our souls to build a developed country.

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