Pre-Lecture for New Students 2021 “Education Study Program Phase 1”

Pre-Lecture for New Students 2021 “Education Study Program Phase 1”

Surakarta – pre-lecture activity is an activity programmed by the institution in order to prepare new students to get to know the study program and learning in higher education and get to know the campus and the atmosphere of the Indonusa Surakarta Polytechnic campus.

According to the academic calendar, pre-lecture activities begin on Monday, July 5, 2021, until next September. There are 21 series of pre-lecture activities that must be followed by new students before entering learning at the Polytechnic Indonusa Surakarta campus. All of these activities will be carried out online through zoom meetings and google meet, given the pandemic situation and conditions that make it impossible to carry out pre-lecture activities offline. However, even though it was online, this activity still ran smoothly as expected.

The 4th series of activities is pre-lecture Education Study Program stage 1, which is an activity for each study program. Of course, this activity is guided by the head of the study program and their respective lecturers according to the schedule that has been made.

Schedule of pre-lecture activities “Education Study Program” as follows:

  1. Wednesday, 14 July 2021 09.00 – 11.00 wib D3 Communication & D3 Information system
  2. Thursday, 15 July 2021 09.00 – 11.00 WIB D3 Automotive Technology & D3 Hospitality
  3. Friday, July 16, 2021 09.00 – 11.00 WIB D3 Pharmacy & Applied Bachelor of Health Information Management

In this Education Study Program activity, each head of the study program will provide an overview to new students about the majors they are taking at Polytechnic Indonusa Surakarta, also introduce lecturers who are in charge of majors, introduce the campus environment especially in the laboratory room or practice room during lectures, and provide an overview of major courses or areas of learning in the majors taken.

This pre-college activity is expected to be an activity that is able to make new students feel comfortable, reduce boredom while at home, and be able to adapt to new situations both in the physical and social environment so that they are ready to participate in the learning process at the Indonusa Surakarta Polytechnic campus later.

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